Useful Port Number used for Devops..!

  1. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - Port 80

    Purpose: Used for transferring web pages.

  2. HTTPS (HTTP Secure) - Port 443

    Purpose: Secure version of HTTP

  3. SSH (Secure Shell) - Port 22

    Purpose: Secure remote login and command execution.

  4. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) - Port 21

    Purpose: Transfers files between computers.

  5. SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) - Port 22

    Purpose: Secure file transfer protocol.

  6. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) - Port 25

    Purpose: Sending emails across networks.

  7. DNS (Domain Name System) - Port 53

    Purpose: Resolves domain names into IP addresses.

  8. MySQL Database Server – Port 3306

    Purpose: Default port for MySQL connections.

  9. PostgreSQL Database Server – Port 5432

    Purpose: Default port for PostgreSQL database connections.

  10. Docker Daemon API – Port 2375/2376

    Purpose: Ports used by the Docker daemon for API access.

  11. Kubernetes API Server – Port 6443

    Purpose: Entry point for all API requests in Kubernetes clusters.

  12. Redis Server – Port 6379

    Purpose: Default port used by Redis, an in-memory data structure store.

  13. MongoDB – Port 27017

    Purpose: Default port for MongoDB database connections.

  14. Apache Kafka – Port 9092

    Purpose: Default port for Apache Kafka messaging system connections.

  15. Nginx – Port 80/443

    Purpose: Web server that can also act as a reverse proxy server, load balancer, etc.

  16. Tomcat – Port 8080

    Purpose: Default port for Apache Tomcat web server instances serving Java applications.

  17. VNC (Virtual Network Computing) – Port 5900

    Purpose: Remote desktop sharing system that uses the RFB protocol to remotely control another computer's desktop interface.

  18. ElasticSearch – Port 9200

    Purpose: Default port used by ElasticSearch REST API calls.

  19. RabbitMQ – Port 5672

    Purpose: Default port used by RabbitMQ messaging broker connections.

  20. Grafana – Port 3000

    Purpose: Default port used by Grafana dashboard application for visualizing metrics from various data sources like Prometheus or InfluxDB.

  21. prometheus - port 9090

    purpose: It serves as the gateway for both internal system monitoring and external access to the Prometheus server's metrics and configuration.